• You need to tighten up your release schedule and know that you really will be ready when you need to be.
  • You have no idea what all the components of your project are -- and neither do most of your programmers.
  • One release has this feature, the next doesn't. One release works, the next doesn't.

Ways Erlandtech can help you:

  • Review of your needs and specific problems to be solved, including how SCM fits into your overall development plan
  • Configuration item identification and organization (artifacts, source files and other components)
  • SCM process definition and implementation
  • Identification of personalities and key people on the team
  • Planning and solutions to mitigate resistance to change
  • Branching and merging strategies
  • SCM tool sourcing, installation and setup
  • Repository considerations, including setup, data migration and organization
  • Build process definition and implementation
  • Release process and deliverable definition
  • Implementation of automated release systems
  • Adaptation of SCM systems to handle classified materials appropriately (up to SECRET level)
  • Metric development for continuous improvement
  • Software license management
  • Process automation and assisting in team process improvement to more disciplined approaches
  • Turnkey implementation of SCM solutions
  • Support for ongoing maintenance contracts

We support small development teams (twenty people, or less) within any size business.
Cleared personnel are available (up to SECRET level).

We support software teams developing in the following languages/technologies:
  • C++
  • C#
  • Visual Basic
  • Visual Basic.NET
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • DOS Batch files
  • Cross-browser web development
  • MS business intelligence tools (SSAS, SSIS and SSRS)
To implement your SCM solution, we deal primarily with open source / free tools and MS office applications:
  • Subversion
  • CruiseControl
  • CruiseControl.NET
  • NANT
  • TortoiseSVN
  • Bugzilla
  • MySQL
  • Batch scripting
  • VMware Workstation
  • FogBugz
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Windows (2000, XP, 7)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003, 2005 and 2008