• Why not go a step further? Get an independent contractor, and you don't even have to put them on payroll.
  • You had an SCM for a while, but they left, or you downsized -- either way, you still have systems that need maintenance.
  • You'd like to benefit from SCM, but you don't want to commit to a full-time staff position.

Ways Erlandtech can help you:

  • Support for ongoing maintenance contracts
  • Erlandtech consultant available for part-time or intermittent work at your facility, based on a mutually-acceptable schedule
  • Ongoing planning and roadmap development
  • Configuration item identification and organization
  • SCM process definition and implementation
  • Working with stakeholders to ensure that SCM is embraced by development staff
  • SCM tool setup and maintenance (see list of supported tools)
  • Repository setup and maintenance
  • Build process maintenance
  • Automated and/or recurring build implementation
  • Release engineering
  • Implementation of automated release systems
  • Documentation maintenance and development
  • Support for work in classified environments (up to SECRET level)
  • Metric development for continuous improvement
  • Organizing repositories and physical media
  • Managing software licenses
  • Process automation and assisting in team process improvement to more disciplined approaches
  • Optimizing and maintaining virtual machines (see list of supported tools)

We support small development teams (twenty people, or less) within any size business.
Cleared personnel are available (up to SECRET level).

We support software teams developing in the following languages/technologies:
  • C++
  • C#
  • Visual Basic
  • Visual Basic.NET
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • DOS Batch files
  • Cross-browser web development
  • MS business intelligence tools (SSAS, SSIS and SSRS)
We deal primarily with open source / free tools and MS office applications:
  • Subversion
  • CruiseControl
  • CruiseControl.NET
  • NANT
  • TortoiseSVN
  • Bugzilla
  • MySQL
  • Batch scripting
  • VMware Workstation
  • FogBugz
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Windows (2000, XP, 7)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
  • Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003, 2005 and 2008